I'm now a back to work mum and have been working for the last 6 weeks or so. Boy is it tiring! Life seemed so much easier when I was at home all day. The worst thing is that there is so much to do but I keep falling asleep at night. I am in bed for 10! Never has that happened for the last 6 years!
I don't mind working really on the whole! The boys are in school all day but I have enjoyed being domesticated and a lady of leisure and that has been hard to let go of. I miss all my friends now though - that's the worst thing about working.
I am working as we didn't ever get that move to Bradford to be nearer our church. Summer seemed to pass so quick and things didn't quite fall into place. It is the intention now that we will buy a little hidie-ho for weekends. Bradford is quite near to Bronte country (see here too)
Yes I know I should still have time to blog but I have no camera and seem so uninspired just to write. I love making my blog colourful with beautiful pictures etc. So much has been foing on in life too and so much is not being recorded.
Anyway off to ring some clients..... hope to catch up soon. I am going to do an a to z of the things I miss tomorrow... if I can stay awake!